Interracial Marriage Causing African-American Genocide

From over at Truth Over Tradition, a stunning analysis of how interracial marriage is causing a de facto genocide of the African-American ethnic group in the United States:

According to all the latest marriage statistics here in the U.S., there are more black people marrying out-side of their race than ever before. Research shows that there are well over 500,000 interracial marriages between black and whites today. Research also shows that about 3 in every 10 new black marriages are with someone outside of their race, with most of them being white. And out of all of the interracial marriages today, it is discovered that black men marry outside of their race almost three times as much as black women do.

The increasing numbers of interracial marriages among our people today is a clear sign that the black family in America is slowly dying out and on record to become extinct. Today, Black America is only 13% of the U.S. population. And when you take into account that the majority of our brothers are locked up in prison, dead, or gay; then you can easily see how our men choosing to marry our oppressor’s women instead of our own women, can completely blot out the black race. But this is NOT a coincidence; this is America’s plan to white us out of existence. It’s called Blanqueamiento [which] is the racial whitening of a dark population of people by mating with them to dissolve their race.

Genocide can take many forms. Any deliberate activity to displace or remove an ethnic group is a form of genocide, even if done through “soft” methods like economic or cultural pressure, or through decentralized methods like people independently obeying ideology instead of a centralized command or law. As time goes on, it becomes clear that diversity will bring genocide to all groups under its control.